Detached Garage Homes in Griesbach

Build a single family home that fits your needs, your personality, and your budget!

Detached garage homes offer a variety of benefits. A detached garage home is a single family home, so you get more privacy and a larger yard while also getting more affordability compared to other types of single family homes. Detached garage homes in Village at Griesbach have unparalleled curb appeal with quaint porches and porticos, beautiful front yards, and large front windows!

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Available Detached Garage Lots

1361 sq ft to over 2500 sq ft in size!

Village at Griesbach’s current stages offer a variety of detached garage home lots. These homes are incredibly versatile and come in many different styles and sizes. Our builders offer detached garage homes with a variety of bedrooms and bathrooms, starting at 1361 sq ft up to over 2500 sq ft in size!

Benefits of Detached Garage Homes in Griesbach

Detached garage homes are a fantastic option for any family looking to build in Village at Griesbach. They have gorgeous curb appeal with a classic home appearance, and Village at Griesbach’s architectural guidelines work perfectly with detached garage homes. Detached garage homes also support income suites – especially garage suites – which can make your single family home even more affordable!

Person holding small house stencil up to the sky / Personne tenant un pochoir de petite maison vers le ciel

1. Affordable, Single Family Home

Detached garage homes offer incredibly affordable pricing and come in at a lower price point than an attached garage home. Detached garage homes give you all the privacy and freedom of a single family home without the added stress of a higher mortgage.

detached garage home with many flowers garage indépendant maison avec beaucoup de fleurs / Detached garage home with many flowers garage indépendant maison avec beaucoup de fleurs

2. Gorgeous Curb Appeal

There’s no denying that a detached garage home has a beautiful street aesthetic. Detached garage homes have porches and porticos, front walks, large windows, columns, added roof designs, aesthetic siding design, and more.

King size bed in main bedroom in house with large headboard Très grand lit avec grande tête de lit dans la chambre principale d’une maison.

3. Plenty of Design Options

What’s wonderful about detached garage homes in Griesbach is that they are built to each home buyer’s specifications. Whether you want a detached garage home with added customizations such as larger hallways, higher ceilings, more bedrooms and bathrooms, and upgraded finishes or you want to buy a modest starter home, you can find it in Griesbach! Read more about some available customization options for detached garage homes!

View Customization Option
Woman relaxing on couch / Femme se relaxant sur le canapé

4. Reduced Noise

Detached garage homes are a fantastic option if you plan to use our garage as a workspace.You won’t hear music, hammers, saws, or any other noise coming from the garage! The separation reduces noise pollution that comes from the garage to the home.

Man changing thermostat / Homme changeant le thermostat

5. Easier Temperature Control

Opening a garage door brings in a lot of cold air all at once, so it’s hard to keep your home isolated from the cold when the garage is connected to the house. The same goes for the heat of summer, by keeping your garage separate you’re keeping the cool air of your home inside and the warm air outside.

white and grey kitchen with brown kitchen cupboards and grey chairs / Cuisine blanche et grise avec armoires de cuisine brunes et chaises grises.

6. Separate Income Suites

When you buy a detached garage home, you can instead build a garage suite! This means the income suite is built on top of your garage and doesn’t take away any of your usable space, provides more privacy for yourself and your tenants, plus you can provide tenants with more natural light and fresh air – a premium advantage!

Home with a detached garage / Maison avec garage détaché

7. More Privacy

Detached garage homes are much more private than an attached garage home, as, typically, home owners will enter and leave the house from the back of the lot. Not needing to leave out the front of your home offers some additional privacy as there’s no way for people to know if your home is empty or not.

Happy dog in a front yard of a home / Chien heureux dans la cour d'une maison

8. Enjoy a Front Yard

Detached garage homes allow you to have usable space in your front yard, providing more greenery and landscaping options for the front of your home. Front yards are both aesthetically pleasing and offer a pleasant buffer between your home and the road.

The interior of a home with many windows and natural light shining in / L'intérieur d'une maison avec de nombreuses fenêtres et la lumière naturelle qui y pénètre

9. More Natural Light

Because detached garage homes have the garage in the back of the lot, there is more opportunity for windows throughout the entire exterior. The front of your home can have large bump out windows similar to the back of the home, providing more natural light and a spacious feel.

Build a Detached Garage Home Today!

Village at Griesbach’s builders have a variety of detached garage homes available! Whether you’re looking to customize your floor plans and build a new home, or move into a quick possession detached garage home, our builders can provide you with plenty of options! 

Find a gorgeous home for your family in Griesbach.

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