Single family homes with beautiful curb appeal at the right price for your family!


Village at Griesbach is proudly a part of the Building Industry Land Development Association of Alberta (BILD) and the Canadian Home Builders Association (CHBA). BILD Alberta advocates for the entire building industry, and makes recommendations for regulations, policies, and legislation to help members build better communities and homes.

CHBA is a national advocacy group for the Canadian residential construction industry. CHBA has municipal, provincial, and national levels that all work together with their respective levels of government to help guide the industry. 

Village at Griesbach is a proud member of these organizations, and it also proudly applies for the organizational awards! Both BILD Alberta and CHBA host yearly awards ceremonies to showcase the amazing work done in the industry. Village at Griesbach has won many awards over the years, including Best Community multiple times! Griesbach enters these awards ceremonies as a way to support the organizations as well as showcase the exciting things the community has to offer.

canadian home builders association logo Logo de la Canadian Home Builders’ Association.
bild alberta horizontal logo Logo horizontal de BILD Alberta.
Best Community Feature
BILD Alberta
Best Urban Redevelopment
BILD Alberta
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Finalist In

2023 Best Website

Awards for Housing Excellence; CHBA-Edmonton

2023 Best Print Advertisment

Awards for Housing Excellence; CHBA-Edmonton

2022 Best Show Home Parade

Awards for Housing Excellence; CHBA-Edmonton

Past Awards & Nominations

13 Time Winner Of Best Community!

Nominated For Over 35 Awards!

Best New Community Winner;
CHBA National, 2021

CHBA Edmonton Wins
BILD Award Wins & Nominations

CHBA Nationals

The Canadian Home Builders’ Association (National Division) supports the business success of CHBA members across Canada. All regional members are automatically a part of the CHBA National level. CHBA provides insight to Canadians on the home building industry, and shares market research with members and governments to help ensure that the needs of homebuyers are able to be met by home builders.

CHBA Edmonton

The Canadian Home Builders’ Association – Edmonton Region works to advocate on behalf of members of the home building industry throughout Edmonton. The CHBA – Edmonton Region has members of all aspects of home building, from developers and municipalities to builders and trades companies. They seek to help all members connect with each other and find success.

BILD Alberta

The Building Industry & Land Development Association Alberta is a unified representation for the residential construction industry. BILD Alberta advocates for the home building industry by providing legislative, regulatory, and policy recommendations. They seek to help members thrive and succeed with innovation, construction, and development.